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Telecom energy cables


Flexible and easy to prepare for connection to simplify installation and reduce cost on site. Double jacket insulation. Halogen free, flame retardant, flexible and double insulated single conductor cable for connection of back-up batteries, central office power distribution or grounding. CPR class B2ca and UL listed. Indoor and outdoor use.
Flexible and easy to prepare for connection to simplify installation and reduce cost on site. Double jacket insulation. Halogen free, flame retardant, flexible and double insulated single conductor cable for connection of back-up batteries, central office power distribution or grounding. CPR class B2ca and UL listed. Indoor and outdoor use.


Ytterligare produktdata, nedladdningar och certifikat



Material ledare: Koppar
Conductor size: 6AWG (16); 4AWG (25); 2AWG (35); 1AWG (50); 2/0AWG (70); 3/0AWG (95); 300MCM (150); 500MCM (240)
Material ytterhölje: PE
Antal kärnor: 1
Typ av kärna: Enkel kärna
Bending radius: 6 x OD
Sunlight resistant: Ja
Märkspänning (U0/U): 600/600 V
Max. drifttemperatur: +90°C
Min. drifttemperatur: −20°C
CPR-brandklass: B2ca
Ansökan: Battery cable, Grounding cable
Standard/norm: UL listed
Halogenfritt: Ja
Insulation material: LSZH
Jacket Material: LSZH
Material ledare: Koppar
Conductor size: 6AWG (16); 4AWG (25); 2AWG (35); 1AWG (50); 2/0AWG (70); 3/0AWG (95); 300MCM (150); 500MCM (240)
Material ytterhölje: PE
Antal kärnor: 1
Typ av kärna: Enkel kärna
Bending radius: 6 x OD
Sunlight resistant: Ja
Märkspänning (U0/U): 600/600 V
Max. drifttemperatur: +90°C
Min. drifttemperatur: −20°C
CPR-brandklass: B2ca
Ansökan: Battery cable, Grounding cable
Standard/norm: UL listed
Halogenfritt: Ja
Insulation material: LSZH
Jacket Material: LSZH



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